魁北克移民部于今日更新了Arrima QSW的邀请页面,并公布了2021年08月26日Arrima第21轮邀请的人数信息及邀请条件,距上一轮邀请仅一周时间。第21轮收到邀请的人数为585人,是今年邀请人数最多的一次,申请人需要最晚在8月23日或之前入池。这也是Arrima QSW更改甄选规则后的第三轮邀请,本轮邀请规则为申请人需要满足以下条件之一才会获得邀请:
• 申请人符合以下特定职业且分数满足或超过517分:
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NOC code | Professions |
0213 | Computer and information systems managers |
2133 | Electrical and electronics engineers |
2141 | Industrial and manufacturing engineers |
2147 | Computer engineers (except software engineers and designers) |
2171 | Information systems analysts and consultants |
2172 | Database analysts and data administrators |
2173 | Software engineers and designers |
2174 | Computer programmers and interactive media developers |
2175 | Web designers and developers |
2241 | Electrical and electronics engineering technologists and technicians |
2281 | Computer network technicians |
2282 | User support technicians |
2283 | Information systems testing technicians |
5131 | Producers, directors, choreographers and related occupations |
5223 | Graphic arts technicians |
5241 | Graphic designers and illustrators |
6221 | Technical sales specialists - wholesale trade |
• 申请人持有魁北克大蒙特利尔地区以外的Offre d’emploi validée (VJO)