

January,30 2014猴君Yannick

AEO = arranged employment opinion

AOR = acknowledgment of receipt

AIP = approval in principle
BBB = Better Business Bureau
BC=background check 背景调查
BM = Board Member (of the IRB)
CAIPS = Computer Assisted Immigration Processing System
CBA = Canadian Bar Association
CBSA = Canada Border Service Agency
CC = Canadian Citizen
CCIC = Certified Canadian Immigration Consultatn
CEC = Canadian Experience Class 加拿大经验类移民
CIC = Citizenship and Immigration Canada
CID = Claimant Identification Number
CPO = Case Processing Officer

CSIC = Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants

CAQ = Certificat d'acceptation du Québec 魁北克临时居民接收函

CSQ = Certificat de sélection du Québec 魁北克永久居民接收函

CoPR = Confirmation of Permanent Residence 登陆纸
eCoPR = electronic Confirmation of Permanent Residence 电子版登陆纸

DM = Decision made 材料申请完毕
FC = Federal Court of Canada
fn = file number 档案号
FOSS = Field Operational Support System
FSW = Federal Skilled Worker 传统的联邦技术移民
HRSDC = human resources services and development Canada
IAD = Immigration Appeal Division (of IRB)
ID = Immigration Division (of IRB)
IP=in process 正在处理中
IRB = Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada
LINC=Language Instruction for New Comers to Canada 法语叫CLIC LINC是加拿大新移民语言课程
LMO = Labour market opinion 劳工市场意见
LP=landing paper 签证
LSUC = Law Society of Upper Canada
MC = Minister's Counsel
MD = Minister's Delegate

Me = medical exam 体检

Mer = Medical exam results have been received 收到体检报告

NOC = National Occupational Classification 加拿大职业分类
OCWP = off campus work permit....
Open Post graduation work permit (OPEN PGWP) 毕业后工作许可
owp =open work permit

PR=Permanent Resident 永久性居民

PAL = Pre-arrival letter 新移民预登陆信

PGWP=Post Graduate Work Permit
PL=picking up letter 签证通知

PNP=Provincial Nominee Program 省提名计划

PEQ = Programme de l'expérience québécoise 魁北克经验类计划

POE = Port of Entry
ppr = passport request letter 要求寄护照贴签
PR = Permanent Resident 永久居民
PRC = Permanent Resident Card (commonly referred to as Maple Leaf Card in the Chinese community)
PRRA = Pre-Removal Risk Assessment
RCMP = Royal Canadian Mounted Police
ROE=record of employment
RPD = Refugee Protection Division (of IRB)
SC = Service Canada
SCC = Supreme Court of Canada
SP=Study Permit
UNHCR = United Nation High Commissioner for Refugees
VO=visa office / visa officer移民中心

猴君 Yannick Yang

电话:438-388-8453 地址:suite 640, 2000 rue Peel, Montréal, QC H3A 2W5
魁瓜之家由加拿大联邦魁省双牌移民法律顾问Yannick Yang先生于2013年创办,致力于魁北克留学移民生活资讯分享。








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