All primary and secondary schools in Canada are automatically designated. They do not appear on this list. You do not need to include a DLI number on your application form if you apply at this type of school.
This list will be updated on a regular basis. Some institutions may not have a DLI number at this time; however, if the name of the institution appears on the list, they are designated to host international students.
但是一些希望转学到魁省就读职业培训的同学还是担心无法顺利转学至魁省training学校,在这里我做下解释,作为政府部门的教育局(school board)与大专大学院校不同,可自动获得认可,虽不在CIC官网的DLI名单中,但不需要DLI号码也可顺利转学,所以有转学到教育局就读职业培训的同学无须担心。