7月1日Moving day就要到了,说来魁北克也真是傲娇,明明是加拿大国庆(Canada day),偏偏要叫moving day不卖加拿大面子,猴君问过本地邻居为什么要叫moving day,给我的回答竟然说是因为魁北克想通过繁忙的搬家日让大家忽略加拿大国庆节的重要性,让大家渐渐淡忘,我开始以为邻居在开玩笑,后来google了一番,果然:
The July 1 date of Moving Day also somewhat reduces the significance of Canada Day as a public holiday in Quebec, as many who might otherwise attend holiday festivities are occupied by moving. Suggestions that the move was a deliberate decision by Quebec sovereigntists to discourage participation in a patriotic Canadian holiday ignore the fact that the change in date from May 1 to July 1 was the result of a bill introduced by a federalist MNA, Jérôme Choquette of the Quebec Liberal Party.
在蒙特利尔,有的apartment的租约中是不包含电费部分的,这也就意味着租户需要有自己的Hydro Quebec账户去支付自己的电费。猴君今天就来教大家如何开户。
1 打开网页 :www.hydroquebec.com 网站最上方可以选择英法语的切换(没有中文,别找了),如果是住宅用户请选择Residential。新用户请选择下方的 Become a customer (恭喜你,上了贼船)
2 进入Become a customer页面后如果是新用户就选择 Request new service contract. 注意看内容,不要发现到时候账单上莫名其妙多了50刀,这是开户费。
3 进入Request new service contract 填写个人信息,切记SIN number部分不要填错,没有SIN number的可以给hydro quebec打电话申请一个client number代替。填写好后点击continue,再接下来填写你希望支付电费的具体地址以及时间,完成后几天就会有人上门来查电表读数,你就只需要等着电费单寄来就行了,电费单是两个月付一次,第一次去银行付了之后,你就可以在hydroquebec上设置电费单用email的形式寄给你,然后再在hydroquebec上开一个my space,以后就直接网上转账即刻。
4 如果今后搬家可以在hydro quebec网站上面report a change of address
There is a $50 service charge (plus taxes) for opening an account and it will be on your first bill unless you have done it on our Web site.