I got a ticket for being in Park Laurier after midnight
So this is super frustrating. I got a fine specifically for being in a park after midnight (not drinking in the park, not making noise, just being present). These 5 bike cops swarmed us, (we were sitting quietly chatting at a picnic table) and they demanded our IDs and then immediately wrote all of us a ticket for $150. Has anyone had experience with this? Anyone know what happen if you don't pay/plead not guilty? Edit: it was like 12:25 when they gave us the ticket
这件事真的特郁闷,我因为半夜在公园停留收到了一张特别的罚单(没有在公园喝酒,没有制造噪音,就是因为停留)。有5个骑自行车的警察向我们一拥而上(我们就是安静的坐在一个野炊卓上聊天),他们要求我们出示ID然后立刻向我们每个人开具了一张150刀的罚单。你们是否有人经历过这种事?有谁知道如果我不支付罚单或者选择不认罪会怎么样? 警察是在半夜12点25左右给我们开的罚单
看到这里,我和大家一样,jaw-dropping !!!于是猴君去MTL的市政网上查看了下相关的法律,居然真的找到了:
Parks and public spaces
No one is permitted to be in a park between 11 p.m. and sunrise on the following day, and no one may refuse to leave park premises when requested to do so by a peace officer or an Urban Security Patrol agent.
爱在公园里促膝长谈或者喜欢XX的小伙伴们注意了啊,Don't test them!