毕业工签(PGWP, Post-Graduation Work Permit)虽然每个留学生一生只能申请一次(PLEASE NOTE: You can only apply for a PGWP once in your lifetime.),但是由于种种原因,在魁省的毕业生们经常对毕业工签的宝贵时间不太重视,比如有的学生本应该拿到3年的PGWP却只拿到了1.5年,但是由于之前CSQ后联邦的审理通常不会超过一年,所以认为无所谓,一年半就一年半,反正工签没用完移民身份也下来了,就没有对此进行申诉,结果碰到面试风波,整个移民周期无限期拉长,一年半明显不够用,这时才慌了阵脚。
好在魁省针对这类人群开了天窗,所以不用担心续签类似于联邦的BOWP(bridging open work permit),魁省有自己的政策
Individuals in the skilled worker class who hold a CSQ, who reside in Québec and whose application for permanent residence is currently being processed do not have to obtain a new CAQ before applying to prolong or renew their work permit. The employer is therefore exempt from the responsibility to provide a Labour Market Opinion (LMO).
To benefit from this waiver, your application for a work permit must be accompanied by a copy of your CSQ, your valid offer of employment and proof of payment of the application fees for permanent residence or acknowledgment of receipt.
CSQ holders who are eligible for the LMO waiver can be:
♦ foreign students who obtain a post-diploma work permit and hold a valid job offer from a Québec employer;
♦ temporary workers who wish to prolong the duration of their work permit for the job they currently hold or to renew it in order to hold a job offered by another Québec employer;
Moreover, spouses or de facto spouses can obtain an open work permit for the employer and type of employment of their choice.
也就是说毕业工签持有者在有CSQ和魁北克Valid job Offer的情况下是可以跳过LMIA,直接申请封闭式工签的。猴君昨天在群里有幸碰到一位『以身试法』的群友,以下分享他的申请流程,谢谢这位同学。
申请封闭工签,需要雇主在CIC employer portal enrolment相关信息(公司信息、被雇佣人基本情况等)。这个叫做employer compliance fee。之后会拿到CIC给的一个号码,CIC给的这个号码叫做employment number,这个号码在雇主完成Employer portal enrolment并缴纳$230申请费后正常不超过3个工作日就可以下来,至此公司帮你做的就结束了。之后需要自己填写IMM5710E,在工作详情那里第一栏选择Exemption from labour market impact assessment.把那个号码填到第六栏豁免号码那里。最后带上打印好的这个表,公司开出的工作Offer,CSQ自己留的那份还有护照就可以去边境申请了,还要再交$150。我办的时候不是NOC 0AB类,亲测可行。