On Hold这个词或许很多人是第一次在PEQ面试风波中听到,有一些联邦阶段的申请人发现系统中显示申请状态为On Hold,这是指申请人的案子由于某种原因被搁置审理,那么一般什么原因会导致On Hold呢?在这里猴君引用一段CIC上的内容,这段内容其实用来给移民局工作人员作为参考的,包括移民官在GCMS系统中如何记录这类情况,同时也举例解释了何种情况申请人的案子会被On Hold:
Example 1: Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) receives information that the applicant is the subject of an investigation by any of our enforcement partners.
Example 2: CIC is informed that an investigation into the applicant’s permanent residence status is underway (for admissibility and/or a permanent residency determination) by either the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) or another branch or office of CIC.
Example 3: Staff becomes aware that the applicant is the subject of an open (not finalized) report under A44 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
Example 4: The RCMP, the CBSA, the local immigration office, or Canadian Security and Intelligence Service (CSIS) need more time to complete an investigation where there may be an impact on the applicant’s clearance.
出现上述(包括但不限于)情况时,在GCMS系统中会使用 Suspend-IMM, Suspend-CRM, Suspend-Security, or Suspend-Residence等note做标记。
往常联邦阶段的审理基本上都会在官方的processing time期间内结案,也就是大概12月左右,除非是遇到背景调查或是安全调查,亦或是需要申请人补充材料延误了时间,很少出现On Hold的情况,是否与面试风波有关,虽然没有确凿的证据证明两者之间有绝对联系,但是从两件事情的时间轴、当事人群体特征、加上之前安省硕士PNP提交联邦之后被on hold的案例来看,目前拿到CSQ在联邦阶段申请被On Hold的原因基本可以确认是省移民部通知了联邦移民局,要求hold住这些申请,等待进一步的调查,直到收到调查结果才会解除On Hold做出Final Decision。
我2013离开英国,此后从来没回去过, 2015年开具了一份英国无犯罪证明, 现在还能拿来用于联邦申请吗?
if you need a police certificate from a country or territory and:
are currently living there, or received the police certificate before leaving, the police certificate must be issued within six months before you apply.
have lived there in the past, the police certificate must be issued after you last lived in that country or territory.