在2017年2月16日,猴君曾转载过一封【魁北克移民律师协会写给魁北克移民部长的公开信】,时隔5个月后,魁省移民局终于针对AQAADI提出的有关PEQ的问题做出了回应。今日,移民律师David Chalk在Facebook的PEQ讨论小组发布了这一消息,消息中提到了4点:
1. MIDI could not say whether it would accept the level of French shown in a test (e.g. TÉFAQ) submitted after a French interview but before a final refusal or rejection.
2. MIDI could not point to any law that specifically permitted it to refuse to allow applicants to withdraw their applications once they had been advised that their application was being "verified".
3. The possibility for a refused PEQ applicant to have their case considered under the regular skilled worker program within 6 months of a refusal existed even in cases where this option was not mentioned in the intention to refuse letter.
4.MIDI has no intention to modify the courses designated as showing the required abilities in French to qualify for the PEQ.