一直以来很多学生对于什么样的学签可以申请到SIN(Social Insurance Number)?什么样的学签可以从事每周不超过20个小时的校外工作这类问题充满疑惑。同样在机场获得或是加拿大境内申请到的学签,在办理SIN时一些学生可以立等可取,然而一些学生却被告知学签不符合申请SIN的要求。部分在魁北克就读职业培训training的学生认为无法打工无法申请SIN是因为自己所就读的课程级别较低,无法享受此福利,事实上这是一种误解,猴君今天来为大家解读下是什么原因导致一些学生无法申请到SIN导致无法进行校外工作。
很多学生都知道2014年6月1日起校外工签 Off-campus work permit 正式告别历史舞台,这意味着从那一天起加拿大学签同时具备了工签的属性,允许一些留学生在上学期间每周从事不超过20个小时的校外工作,假期从事全职工作。当然这对于学生本身是存在一些要求的:
Eligibility requirements
As of June 1, 2014, R186(v) allows certain students to work off campus without work permit for up to 20 hours a week during a regular academic session and full time during regularly scheduled breaks, provided that:
*they hold a valid study permit; 持有有效学签
*they are full-time students enrolled at a designated learning institution; 在拥有DLI number的机构入读的全日制学生
*the program in which they are enrolled is a post-secondary academic, vocational or professional training program, or a vocational training program at the secondary level offered in Quebec;
*the program of study is at least six month or more in duration and one that leads to a degree, diploma or certificate; and 所就读的项目不得少于6个月时常,且可以获得学位、文凭和证书以及
*they continue to fulfil the terms and conditions of their study permit, as well as the conditions to engage in off campus work (e.g., work no more than 20 hours a week during a regular academic session). 他们继续履行学习许可上的条件义务,以及从事校外工作的相关条件(比如学习期间每周工作不得超过20个小时)
Ineligible programs of study
Students are ineligible if any of the following apply: 下列情况之一的学生将没有申请资格
*they are participating in one of the following:they are a visiting or exchange student; 他们是访问或者交换生
*they are registered in a general interest program; or 他们所注册的是大众项目
*they are registered in an English or French as a second language (ESL/FSL) program.
最后这段话解开了这些学生心中的谜团,换句话说从官方的政策上来看,如果在Field of Study 一栏注明 ESL/FSL字样的学习许可是无法申请到SIN和从事校外工作的。当然猴君也曾遇到过个别特殊案例是持这类学签成功获得SIN的,这意味着Immigration Officers或是CBSA的官员在办理Study Permit业务上和官方的解释还是存在一定差异性,所以拿到学习许可后要注意下方的condition的注释,如果提示以下任意一条condition,学生可以直接前往Canada Service办理SIN:
*May work 20 hrs per week off-campus or full-time during regular breaks if meeting criteria outlined in section 186(v) of IRPR
*May accept employment on or off campus if meeting eligibility criteria as per R186(f), (v) or (w). Must cease working if no longer meeting these criteria.