19) 美加双方宣布临时关闭边境,贸易往来及紧急情况除外。Canada and the United States are finalizing a deal to close their shared border to non-essential travel — an extraordinary measure designed to slow the spread of COVID-19.
18) ALC取消2020年3月18/19/20 号的TEFAQ考试场次,开始时间将顺延至4月第一周。
17) Uber eats 在疫情期间将为独立商家提供免费的送餐服务 Uber Eats waives delivery fees for independent restaurants during COVID-19 pandemic
16)疫情期间,蒙特利尔市民乘坐STM公交车需要从后门持有效车票上车,无需向司机出示票据。(STM纠正了Lapresse之前有关免费乘车的说法)La Société de transport de Montréal (STM) corrige le tir et affirme que les passagers des autobus doivent avoir en main un titre valide mais que dorénavant, ils n’auront plus à en faire la preuve au chauffeur puisque l’embarquement se fait par la porte arrière.
15) 渥京政府宣布政府将针对海外加拿大公民提供高达5000加币的贷款用于援助返加。Trudeau announces that Ottawa will be providing loans of up to $5,000 for those Canadians who are abroad and need assistance to come home.
14) 魁北克延长报税日期至6月1日。Les Québécois auront jusqu'au 1er juin pour produire leur déclaration de revenus.
12) 加拿大移民部将给与需要做生物指纹采集的申请人额外90天时间完成采集工作。IRCC is automatically giving applicants in Canada 90 days to give their biometrics.
11) 魁省首例新冠确诊病例已治愈 Le premier Québécois atteint est maintenant guéri
10) 魁省针对疫情期间被强制隔离的临时劳工发布补助方案。符合以上条件的申请人,每周可以领到573加币。
9) 加拿大宣布关闭边境,非加拿大公民、美国公民及永久居民拒绝入境。
Canada Closes border to non-citizens and non-permanent residents.
8) CELPIP思培于沙特阿拉伯、菲律宾、中国的考试暂停,加拿大境内暂未收到暂停通知,官方建议近14天内有过境外旅行史的申请人重新安排考试,其余人员出席考试需要佩戴口罩,有发烧、咳嗽、呼吸困难症状的考生将被禁止出席考试。更新:康大4月CELPIP考试取消。
7) McGill 大学3月20日Tefaq/Tef Canada 考试延期至 4月3日进行,考生可联系官方申请退还考试费用或接受延期。
The TEFAQ - TEFCAN tests scheduled to take place on Friday, March 20, 2020 are suspended. Please email: tefaq.scs@mcgill.ca only if you wish to receive a full reimbursement of the TEFAQ – TEFCAN fees otherwise your registration and paid fees will be carried forward to the next TEFAQ – TEFCAN tests scheduled to take place on Friday, April 3, 2020.
6)加拿大移民部取消新移民in-person 登陆预约至2020年4月13日, 如果申请人已经有预约,移民部将会电话通知新的登陆时间。
We’re cancelling all in-person permanent resident landing appointments until April 13, 2020. If you had a landing appointment already booked, it will be held by telephone at a new date.
We’re cancelling all refugee claimant appointments until April 13, 2020. If you had an appointment, we’ll contact you to let you know when your new appointment will be.
As previously mentioned, we are also cancelling all citizenship ceremonies and citizenship tests as of March 14 until further notice.